Christmas is that magical time of year when everyone gets excited about the coming celebrations. From cheerful songs and dance, to welcoming friends and family, Christmas brings all good vibes. No wonder why, it’s a time when we celebrate with our loved ones.

For many people, the joy and festivity of Christmas is not just limited to only presents and parties but also taking part in unique traditions. From creating handmade ornaments using natural ingredients to decorating your nails with festive designs, there are plenty ways you can incorporate your love for Christmas into your everyday life this year.

If you’re searching for ideas on how you can incorporate the spirit of Christmas in other parts of your life too, here are some nail art ideas by nail artist Chaya Shurkin, that will help you do just that! So, keep on reading.

Christmas-Themed Manicure

Christmas manicures can be made using festive holiday colors and decorations. According to a talented nail artist from Jersey City, Chaya Shurkin, these manicures are a great way to bring Christmas spirit into your routine, as well as make a bold statement at parties or social events. You can also make your manicure look more sophisticated by using self-emollient gloves. You can also make your manicure more dramatic by adding some glitter or stones to the design. To make your Christmas manicure festive and festive-looking, try incorporating the following ideas.


Candy cane nails

Chaya Shurkin, who loves creating intricate nail art, suggest trying candy cane nails. This fun and festive nail art idea can be made using an orange and white candy cane and a black marker. To make the nail art look more festive, you can decorate the candy cane with additional patterns, ornaments and decorations.


Snowman nails

Snowman nails Another festive nail art idea that you can try is decorating your nails with snowman designs. These are easy to do and are great for beginners. This fun and festive nail art idea by Chaya Shurkin can be made using any shade of nail polish to make your nails look like snowmen, or you can use stickers. You can also try making patterns with crumpled paper and acrylic paint. You can also try painting one nail white and the other black. This looks especially nice when paired with a black suit.


Gingerbread house nails

If you wish to make your nails look like they belong to a gingerbread house, then you can try this festive nail art. Chaya Shurkin makes this nail art by drawing a gingerbread house on the popsicle stick using a black marker and then adds some red nail polish to make it look like a house.


Elf nails

According to Chaya Shurkin, Elf Nails Elf designs are great for beginners and are a great way to decorate your nails. These designs are easy to do, and you can use any nail polish shade and any nail art brush to create them. You can also use stickers to decorate the nails or you can use crumpled paper and acrylic paint to create patterns. You can also try painting one nail white and the other black.




Christmas-themed manicures are a great way to bring the festive spirit into your everyday life. The colors of the manicure can be inspired by the colors of the Christmas tree or holiday foods and decorations. You can also make your manicure look more sophisticated by using self-emollient gloves. If you want you manicure to be professionally done you can contact Chaya Shurkin. Visit her Instagram profile to see the nail art designs created by her.

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